Monday, September 15, 2008

Finshed, now leaving

I woke up this morning to Claire's smiling face and I could tell she is going to miss me and might have even been thinking about it while she was smiling at me. I could barely keep my head up I was so tired. My head felt as heavy as a sandbag. I stayed up past three finishing a last-minute assignment from Metro Times, and I've been racking up too many 3 a.m.s this week as it is. Actually I filed the MT piece around 2 and then sat on my couch and listened to my new record, in its entirety. Because – and I can't believe I'm saying this – it's finished. FINISHED.


I needed to make it, and then I needed it to be done. Now I need people to hear it. But that is a sweet-ass feeling, let me tell you. To just sit there and be outside of it, after being in it for so long. And know it's done and sounds the way you wanted. Even better than you wanted it, really.

But I don't have much time to bask. For now I'm running around the house trying to get things in order and spend a bit of QT with the bear as I prepare to get on a plane for New York tonight, where I'll be working for a few weeks assisting on a recording session.

I haven't left home in a while, and even then my home wasn't so... homey. Most of the long trips and tours I've gone on, I couldn't wait to get out of town. I know this'll be good for me on a couple of different levels, but it's hard not to feel a little apprehensive. I'll miss my ladies.

At this very second we're watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. This shit is insane!

1 comment:

Lasferatu said...

Ooooo, I can't wait to listen!