Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A True Definition of Soul

I have a piece in the Metro Times this week that is as close to what I want to do with writing as I've gotten yet (I'm not even close). I don't think I've ever wanted to get a story right as much as I did this one. It's a profile of Melanie Rutherford, a Pontiac, MI-based songwriter and singer who I discovered this winter after becoming obsessed with her guest appearance on Black Milk's "Bond 4 Life."

Read the story: Until The Wheels Fall Off

Melanie is a fascinating character and meeting her and trying to put my impressions into words made my brain hurt, but it excited my heart. She is all music, all of the time. At her request, we did the interview at this Pontiac Cony Island she goes to every day to write. Every few minutes during our talk she'd end up busting into song in the middle of this diner and schooling me on all the soul music I didn't know about. Here are 4 short audio excerpts of our interview to give you a glimpse of what I'm talking about:

"I Like Real Music"

"On Curtis and Otis"

"A New Song, Bravos"

"You Are Not a Marvin Gaye Fan!"

Black Milk "Bond 4 Life (Feat. Melanie Rutherford)"

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